Raksha Bandhan: Tale of Karnavati & Humayun | Quizzop

Raksha Bandhan: Tale of Karnavati And Humayun

Raksha Bandhan  •  24 Aug, 2023  •  2,646 Views  •  ⭐ 5.0

Written by Shivani Chourasia

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Raksha Bandhan, a festival celebrated across India, epitomizes the bond of love between brothers and sisters. The ceremony involves a sister tying a 'Rakhi', or protective thread, on her brother's wrist, symbolizing trust and protection. While various mythological tales echo the festival's sentiments, some historical tales add depth to this tradition. The compelling story of Rani Karnavati and Emperor Humayun stands out among them.


Setting the Scene: The Principal Characters

Rakshabandhan: जानिए कौन थी रानी कर्णावती, जिसने भाई की राह तकते-तकते दे दी  जान - who is rani karnawati rakshabandhan maharana vikramaditya tedu -  AajTak
Image Credits: Aaj Tak

Rani Karnavati was the widowed queen of Mewar, steering the ship of her kingdom on behalf of her young son after the demise of Rana Sanga. Contrarily, Emperor Humayun, the scion of Babur, commanded a vast Mughal empire. The intricate dance between the Rajputs and Mughals was often one of discord, but the story of Karnavati and Humayun breaks this pattern with its themes of honour and commitment.

Threats on the Horizon: Mewar in Peril

History of Rani Karnavati Of Garhwal | Rani Karnavati Who Cut Off Mughal  Noses | रानी कर्णावती गढ़वाल इतिहास
Image Credits: Navbharat Times

Mewar stood vulnerable against the menacing Bahadur Shah, the Sultan of Gujarat. With an invasion threatening her kingdom's very existence and a dearth of allies, Rani Karnavati's situation was precarious.


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A Desperate Gesture: The Rakhi’s Call for Aid

How the Rani Karnavati-Humayun rakhi myth was propagated
Image Credits: HinduPost

Understanding Rakhi's potent symbolic significance, Karnavati took the unprecedented step of sending one to Emperor Humayun. This was not merely a ritual but a fervent appeal from a mother and monarch to shield her realm and her son's future.

The Emperor's Vow: Brotherhood Beyond Blood

Image Credits: UMJB

Touched by Rani’s overture, Humayun, valuing Rakhi's sanctity, pledged his support. He rallied his forces, embarking on a mission to aid Karnavati, setting aside their ancestral differences.

The Course of History: Triumphs and Tragedies

True Story of Rani Padmavati that You Should Know
Image Credits: myIndiamyGlory

Fate, however, had its plans. Humayun reached Mewar after Bahadur Shah's invasion had wreaked havoc. Facing an insurmountable threat, Rani Karnavati and the royal court's women had resorted to 'Jauhar'. Although the emperor couldn't avert this tragedy, he later vanquished Bahadur Shah, restoring Mewar to Karnavati’s offspring.


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Lessons from the Past: Rakhi Beyond Borders

3,199 Rakhi Stock Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from Dreamstime
Image Credits: Dreamstime

The narrative of Rani Karnavati and Humayun underscores Rakhi's profound symbolism, which surmounts mere familial ties and religious divides. Their actions encapsulate Raksha Bandhan's genuine spirit - unwavering trust, honour, and the oath of guardianship.


As siblings worldwide commemorate Raksha Bandhan, tales like that of Rani Karnavati and Emperor Humayun magnify the festival's profound ethos. This saga not only portrays the nobility of its protagonists but also extols India's timeless traditions that often rise above societal and political confines. Through love, respect, and duty, these tales reaffirm the luminosity of the human spirit.

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