Valentine's Week 2024 Guide: Dates & Celebrations | Quizzop

Valentine's Week 2024 Guide: Dates & Celebrations

General Knowledge  •  7 Feb, 2024  •  49,349 Views  •  ⭐ 4.2

Written by Anand Swami

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Valentine's Week 2024 beckons with a spectrum of days dedicated to celebrating love in its multifaceted glory. From the delicate symbolism of Rose Day to the profound commitments of Promise Day, each date offers a unique opportunity to express affection, gratitude, and devotion.


This guide delves into the traditions and meanings behind each day, enriching your understanding and appreciation of these celebrations. Embrace the journey through this special week, where every gesture, big or small, strengthens the bonds of love and friendship.

7th February - Rose Day

Happy Rose Day
Image Credits: The Indian Express

Rose Day marks the beginning of Valentine's Week, serving as a vibrant expression of emotions through the universal symbol of roses. This day is celebrated by exchanging roses, each colour conveying a unique message: red for love, yellow for friendship, pink for admiration, and white for purity. The tradition of giving roses dates back to ancient times, when roses were associated with the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite.


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In modern times, Rose Day has gained global recognition, encouraging people to express their feelings through this timeless gesture. Beyond romantic relationships, it's also a day to appreciate friends and family, making everyone feel loved and valued. The rose, with its delicate petals and thorns, symbolizes the beauty and challenges of love, reminding us to handle our relationships with care and respect.

8th February - Propose Day

Happy Propose Day
Image Credits: NewsroomPost
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